

The plan best suited for large businesses looking for enterprise-class compliance, while diversifying their revenue streams.

Unlimited use
No credit card required
No maximum API calls
Pay only for what you use
Billed by the second, prepaid
In-depth marketing insights
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Pay as you grow!

Enhance your websites and unlock all kinds of functionality. Find and embed plugins and widgets. Get free and premium images, videos, and other assets for your site.

$ 120.00 USD
Over a million learners are using

Powerful Features that
Help Your Team Learn Faster

Don’t settle for tools that give you 50% functionality for 2x the price.

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Hear what Businesses around the world are saying about

I have been completely astounded by’s ability to answer our compliance education, assessment and retention challenges
Harry Strausser III  -  Former President, ACA International
I want my team to spend time thinking about high level UX problems, rather than mindlessly repeating busy work. Collab helps them do that.
Robert Mayar  -  Founder of Airbnb
I want my team to spend time thinking about high level UX problems, rather than mindlessly repeating busy work. Collab helps them do that.
Robert Mayar  -  Founder of Airbnb